Pet Makeup Peeves


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Originally Posted by macslut
I asked him about it. I remember my aunt rinsing her hard ones under tap water. He told me they were soft and that nothing had ever happened when he did it before. I wonder if he knows how dirty the human mouth is. Ignorance must be bliss.

I've actually never been bothered by girls licking the q-tip then cleaning under the eye, and I wouldn't be bothered by this either since the mouth is one of the cleanest places on your body, /alot/ cleaner then the hands. And saliva is the safest way to clean yourself

But that came out wrong...


And I don't have any real peeves, everyone for their own, if you think it look good so be it but don't expect me to like that warpaint of yours.
I don't comment on other girls makeup, if there's a certain style they're following it's their choice;
If it's a girl who just made a mistake or is wearing a color really really not suitable for her I might hint on it... But only to people I know well enough to know they won't hit me >.>


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
This thread makes me feel bad. MU should be about fun and trial and error, not rules.

I don't think it's about rules...and I'm sorry it made you feel bad.
There are just some things that don't like right...unblended blush or spidery lashes for example...and for everyone who doesn't like something there is another person that does. It's about individuality but no one should be afraid to say "Hey, this is NOT for me..." just the same as no one should be offended by that statement.


Well-known member
I was at the mac store yesterday and God help the girl...she was a customer just like me...not a line on her face was blended. Racing stripe blush. THICK HARSH BLACK eyeliner. Eyemakeup completely unblended.
The MA's visibly blanched when they looked at her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
ah, a new one I just realized:

wearing the same look
with different colors
without ever changing shape or pattern of application.

It's one thing to know what works and stick with it, and another to just not have variation. :/

Sounds like my FOTDs

Originally Posted by Ethel
This thread makes me feel bad. MU should be about fun and trial and error, not rules.

Eh, take what you want from it. I'm NW15 and love my Bombshell lipstick, but I'm not weeping because pale skin and frosted bubblegum pink lipstick aren't a favourite of some people here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Eh, take what you want from it. I'm NW15 and love my Bombshell lipstick, but I'm not weeping because pale skin and frosted bubblegum pink lipstick aren't a favourite of some people here.

Oh dear!!! When I say frosted pink lipstick and pale, I mean when it's not done correctly! I personally sport this look as well and I like it when it's applied with care. I am positive that you look lovely when you wear it and would never come up as a bleep on my peeve radar. But all in fun.. no weeping here!


Well-known member
Oy...I'm in college, and it drives me crazy when girls come to school with perfectly applied makeup and perfectly done hair every single freakin day. I mean don't get me wrong, I love makeup, and if I happen to have extra time in the morning, I'll throw on a little bit of color. But seriously...its school. I don't get how people have the time to put so much effort in their appearance every single morning.


Well-known member
i have a friend who does her foundation with her fingers but only where she thinks she needs it... and then it just looks horrible... all cakey in some places and splotches of darker color!! its terrifying! haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACtastic
Oy...I'm in college, and it drives me crazy when girls come to school with perfectly applied makeup and perfectly done hair every single freakin day. I mean don't get me wrong, I love makeup, and if I happen to have extra time in the morning, I'll throw on a little bit of color. But seriously...its school. I don't get how people have the time to put so much effort in their appearance every single morning.

During my college days, back in the 80s, I always fixed my hair and put on makeup to go to class, but I did keep things simple. I wasn't a MAC woman then.
I know what you mean about college glamor goddesses, though. I knew girls who would get all dolled up for blinkin' organic chemistry lab. It was unreal. I thought, "Holy cow, you're going to have to wear a lab coat over your designer jeans, the safety goggles will destroy your makeup, and by the time you get out of here you'll smell like toxic waste. Yeah, there are guys in the class, but they're more interested in their distillation apparatus than in romance."


Well-known member
Black eyeshadow only (or smudged eyeliner only) =/= smokey eye look

although I was guilty of this back in Highschool...haha...

I once saw this girl at the fair that had horrible BLACK coloured in eyebrows (she had eyebrows, but it was like she took a black eyeliner and just scraped it on all over her eyebrows whereever there was a hair), and she also complimented this look with BLACK eyeshadow hilight....

Thats all I remember of her because it hurt to look at her face....but I couldnt stop one of those things that fascinates you even though its hideous....

Man I am so rude


I go to a teen forum often and they post pics of makeup and they are often unblended and not that great...and then I post a pic of some of my more crappily blended stuff and they're all like "OMG I LUV YUR EYESHADOW!!1!!!"



too thick, cakey looking, dry foundatin/powder. ewww! also, very dark dark dark thick untamed eyebrows that they draw in... what's the point of plucking them anyways? and lipliner that is way darker than the lip gloss or stick. a no no!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACtastic
Oy...I'm in college, and it drives me crazy when girls come to school with perfectly applied makeup and perfectly done hair every single freakin day. I mean don't get me wrong, I love makeup, and if I happen to have extra time in the morning, I'll throw on a little bit of color. But seriously...its school. I don't get how people have the time to put so much effort in their appearance every single morning.

Just because some girls take pride in their appearance and choose to look good everyday doesn't mean its a negative thing

I hate it when I go to school dressed nice and wearing makeup and the girls in sweatpants and no makeup look me up and down, hating on me

if you don't have time to do your face every morning, thats you, but don't hate on someone else because they have the time and the energy to look flawless everyday


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHluvsMAC
Just because some girls take pride in their appearance and choose to look good everyday doesn't mean its a negative thing

I hate it when I go to school dressed nice and wearing makeup and the girls in sweatpants and no makeup look me up and down, hating on me

if you don't have time to do your face every morning, thats you, but don't hate on someone else because they have the time and the energy to look flawless everyday

I don't hate on these girls and I am definitely not jealous. What I found odd (not altogther bad, but odd) are the girls who wear ratty sweats (not nice sweats) or wrinkly nasty clothes but from the neck up, perfection including dangly earrings. I mean perfect hair (updos usually), perfect makeup including liquid eyeliner,lippencil/lipstick/lipgloss trifecta, perfect everything...from the neck up. Below the looks as if they had just crawled out of bed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHluvsMAC
Just because some girls take pride in their appearance and choose to look good everyday doesn't mean its a negative thing

I hate it when I go to school dressed nice and wearing makeup and the girls in sweatpants and no makeup look me up and down, hating on me

if you don't have time to do your face every morning, thats you, but don't hate on someone else because they have the time and the energy to look flawless everyday

I can see both sides of this. When I was in college, I had to snicker at the girls who came in to chemistry lab looking runway-ready. It just didn't seem practical to me.
But my sister used to make hateful remarks to me about me "looking like Miss America"(and, believe me, this was not intended to be positive) because I'd have on makeup, wear my contacts, have my hair fixed, and have on decent clothes when we'd go shopping. She, on the other hand, would choose to go without a speck of makeup, old glasses, hair stringing down, in clothes that looked like something you'd wax your car in(or with).
Casual is fine. However, there's a distinction between "casual" and "sloppy."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macslut
I don't hate on these girls and I am definitely not jealous. What I found odd (not altogther bad, but odd) are the girls who wear ratty sweats (not nice sweats) or wrinkly nasty clothes but from the neck up, perfection including dangly earrings. I mean perfect hair (updos usually), perfect makeup including liquid eyeliner,lippencil/lipstick/lipgloss trifecta, perfect everything...from the neck up. Below the looks as if they had just crawled out of bed.

thats definetely not what you said in your initial post but ok

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Heavy eyeshadow where you can see the particles of the shadow is my new one. I've noticed it on a lot of people recently.

My pet peeve has always been people who think they're morally superior for wearing makeup/not wearing makeup/only wearing certain brands. It's just makeup at the end of the day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHluvsMAC
thats definetely not what you said in your initial post but ok

Ummmmm, you really might want to take a look at who made the post you are thinking of.

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