Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I hate bad grammar and spelling all around, but I really, REALLY hate it when I see it in print or on television. Don't people get PAID to prevent that?
Yes! I have actually emailed a museum website before telling them about their errors and whatnot, they emailed me back with a "thank you." I felt bad because they were so nice but hey...it was bothering me
Oh and I thought of a few more:
When people say, "I love me some mac porn!" Perhaps, they say it for laughs but it's not cute! I just saw this on a page!
Just when people ask, "Do you speak Mexican?" That is when I "bust out" my bazooka!
Make-up related:
When people ask me if I do my own makeup. No...I don't...I hire an artist to do my makeup everyday! What the bleep man?!
If I don't know the answer to a beauty question or I am asking a customer questions and they say, "I dont know, you tell me, you're the expert!" Pulls out bazooka again.
When people ask for constructive criticism, I give it, and they get all butt-hurt about it. Or I made some skincare recs the other day on LJ and some chick got catty about it. I of course ignored it but still...calm down...just because I'm right and she is wrong!
There are so many other things that bother me...I know some things are just insane but we are only human.