Words or phrases people say that drive you insane?


Well-known member
People at work say a lot of things that make me want to grind my teeth. Many of them have been listed above. =)

I think the phrase that bothers me the most is when one girl talks about the start of her current relationship and says, "When I got with Brett." It sound too much like he's some sort of affliction. That's not too far off base considering he's 39, unemployed, and looks 7 months pregnant from sitting around drinking mountain dew and smoking pot day after day. *cough* Ooops, strayed off topic from grammar rant to worthless BF rant.

Another girl used to say "Does this need typed?" :confused:

This thread reminds me of a quiz my writer friend had on his blog. Quiz - How grammatically correct are you? Have fun!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
My grandma says coo-pon instead of Coupon.

<--- Also guilty of this

Haha, can I blame it on my Canadian accent?


Well-known member
Im so guilty of typing prolly..but i would never ever say it in real conversation. "Hey Ashley, are you coming to my party?"
"PROLLY!!" ewww that sounds so weird

And I know many people say this but I hate when people say hella...What the hell is that?? Soon people will just be like "what the hella?"...its just weird to me.

When people refer to dating someone as "going with" them. I've been talking to people in the past and I'm like "Yeah. I'm dating someone." then they say "oh, for realz who you go wit?" WHAT?? That includes another thing I hate..."for realz"

Or, one of the most common ones I hear...people using the repetition of a word for emphasis like "What store are you headed to?"
"You know, the store store" WTF?!?

Oh, and this one is more recent and I blame it on Soulja Boy. People on campus do it all the time, they'll see one of their friends or something and just be like "YOUUUUUUUUU!!" ..makes me want to knives into my ear canal.

Last one is when people say they are going to put something "up".....ahh so annoying I hear people saying it and I honestly want to hurt them.
"Go put that toy up!" ...up where?? in the sky??...


Well-known member
lol. I also don't like when people use "anymore" in weird ways. I wish I could think of an example...maybe it'll come to me. But its like the use it wrong or something


Well-known member
I say "coo-pon", too. I don't really get "Q-pon". I was taught in grade school that the "cou" was pronounced as "coo".

I've stopped saying "Making groceries", though. That's a New Orleans thing.


Well-known member
My mother insisted on saying "balslamic" vinegar instead of balsamic. Grrrrr.

People who say " Oh fudge!" or the equivalent inoffensive curse word. Why? You're obviously already thinking of the word and feeling that its appropriate for the situation. Commit to it. My dad will say "Go shove it up your ear" instead of "ass." Ummmm...

I lived in Boston for a while and the man I dated insisted on saying "draw" when referring to a "drawer." Ugh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
People who say " Oh fudge!" or the equivalent inoffensive curse word. Why? You're obviously already thinking of the word and feeling that its appropriate for the situation. Commit to it. My dad will say "Go shove it up your ear" instead of "ass." Ummmm...

i second this. why are cuss words even deemed offensive, if everyone is just going to replace them with something else that means the exact same thing? i hate "fricking," and "freaking."


Well-known member
I agree with most of the above...I'm a HUGE grammar and spelling freak! There are a couple that have been missed, though. I hate it when people drop the r's in things, for example in "fo' sho'." How effing lazy are you that you can't say "for sure"? The next two I also blame on a rappers - first, anything ending in "izzle." We are not a successful rapper and even for him, it doesn't work. The other is "cint" as in, "I needs twenty-five cint. You gots it?" No, I have twenty-five cents, you idiot. Do you need twenty-five cents?" Oh and add to that list "gots" and "needs". It really grates at me when I hear, "Ooh, I needs that" or "I gots to get me some of those." Seriously? Last time I checked it was, "I need ___" or "I'll have to get that."

After reading all these, I can't help but think 90% of America missed the same day in third grade when we learned all this. Funny, I don't recall my class being that empty.

Annnndddd...I'm spent.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
My dad will say "Go shove it up your ear" instead of "ass." Ummmm...

My Grandpa says "You're a pain in ..(pause) .. Where I sit!"

I respond with... "What... your chair?.. the sofa? recliner? what Am I a pain in exactly?"

he just gets frustrated. hah..

Also . My aunt mispronounces a lot of words for being a school teacher. When I correct her she says "well you say tomato I say tom-a-toe"


Well-known member
I don't like New York accents
(I'm sure you all hate our Boston accents)
ideer = idea (sounds like an Apple lawn ornament lol)

THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD, is when people say.....

I seen that!!

NO. You SAW that. You HAVE seen that. Oh God it makes me want to rip them apart. Literally.


Well-known member
Addicting instead of addictive.

"This drink is so addicting!"
No it's not, you clown. It's addictive.


Well-known member
I hate the British slang "innit" at the end of statements. In London, I heard statements like this on the daily basis:

"I'm off to the store, innit."

"She's well hot, innit."

etc. Just add 'innit' to whatever phrase pops into your head. Makes no sense, doesn't need to be there, etc.

The second peeve: the British slang "Is it?" but pronounced "Izzz ehhhhhhht?" added after someone says something that is surprising. For example:

Person 1: "Sharon got off with Darren the other day."
NED reply: "Izz ehhhhhht?" (usually with the head cocked to one side)

Drives. Me. CRAZY.


Well-known member
One that I've been hearing lately that drives me crazy is when I hear

"I've been trying to get in touch with him, but he won't answer any of my Texas."

"Then he Texas me and says that he was sleeping!"

Really, how hard can it be to simply say text-messages or text-message?


Well-known member
I also hate it when people say question before they ask you something. For example: Question, what color lipstick would you wear with this shirt?
Ahhh! So annoying. I used to work with someone that did that and it drove me crazy. It also reminds me of Dwight on The Office and he drives me up the wall.


Well-known member
I'm sorry, but when girls say "like" in every other sentence (or sometimes multiple time sin the same sentence) I just want to punch them...HARD. I can understand it when it's interspersed in there sometimes, because I'm guilty of it too but I'm becoming more wary of how often I say it because I think it honestly makes people sound really unintelligent. You can always tell that I'm pissed off when that happens it's usually written all over my face. Open a dictionary, read more, do SOMETHING to expand your vocabulary so it consists of more than just one word. IDIOTS.


Well-known member
I hate it when people say brought instead of bought such as " i brought this from the shop"

Also I think its local to where i'm from but i hate when people say "Got beat" instead of lost

But the worst for me is tret instead of treated, tret is just not a word!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jot
I hate it when people say brought instead of bought such as " i brought this from the shop"

Also I think its local to where i'm from but i hate when people say "Got beat" instead of lost

But the worst for me is tret instead of treated, tret is just not a word!!!

what about 'boughten'?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
what about 'boughten'?

Christ, what school did these people go to? :confused:

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