Words or phrases people say that drive you insane?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Mobile, AL which is pronounced differently as well.

mo' bill, Al uh bam uh
born n raised =0)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wolfsong
Sometimes I'm glad we have killer superbugs...

I swear...you should have to pass an IQ test to reproduce.


Well-known member
I always thought the "I heart (whatever)" sounded really silly. Like, "Oh I heart that skirt!" UGH! Just say love, we're not texting.


Well-known member
I've stopped saying "Making groceries", though. That's a New Orleans thing.[/quote]

I was begining to wonder if anyone else had ever heard this phrase. It just drives me crazy when people say that, my response has always been, "what are you going to make, we go grocery shopping the groceries are already made"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I always thought the "I heart (whatever)" sounded really silly. Like, "Oh I heart that skirt!" UGH! Just say love, we're not texting.

HAHA i say this all the time!! but I started out saying it to boyfriends when I thought it was too early for the L-word so I would just say "I heart you" but then it started to spill into normal conversation lol


Well-known member
oh, and I also hate when people say, "I'm fixin' to [verb here]" I don't know why, but it just BUGS me so badly for some reason.


Well-known member
didn't read the whole thread so sorry if these were mentioned:

1) "could care less" - no. that implies that you actually care a little bit. the expression is "couldn't care less" GET IT RIGHT.

2) "____ is love." i just hate it. "lolz GREYS ANATOMY IS LOVE!"

3) "i seen" - i have been trying to teach my friend not to say this for YEARS. it is the most hick thing ever. "i seen this guy today" UGHUGHUGH. i tried to teach her when to say seen and when to say saw. now she has 2 different things to screw up. "i havent saw that movie yet"

oh. my. god. it's REALLY not that hard!!!!!!!

and i have to agree re: piggies and lippies, preggers, HUBBY (UGH!!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jillianjiggs
didn't read the whole thread so sorry if these were mentioned:

1) "could care less" - no. that implies that you actually care a little bit. the expression is "couldn't care less" GET IT RIGHT.

I thought that was an American thing? It annoys me because it makes NO sense to a Brit such as myself...

Also not adding "n't" on the end of a word when they are talking in the negative - I've seen this a lot on here, and I don't understand it either. If anyone can actually explain these points, I'd love to hear it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wolfsong
I thought that was an American thing? It annoys me because it makes NO sense to a Brit such as myself...

Also not adding "n't" on the end of a word when they are talking in the negative - I've seen this a lot on here, and I don't understand it either. If anyone can actually explain these points, I'd love to hear it

no, it's just laziness and people hearing it from other lazy/uneducated people and since it's one syllable less, it's easier to say, but really makes no fucking sense and it really pisses me off.

do you have an example of the no "n't"?


Well-known member
I'm going to echo the pains of a previous poster. The thing that annoys me most is.. "I could care less". Good for you, so care less. I guess some just don't realize that saying that means that you do care.

Another mispronunciation that I see all the time is "might of" i.e. "I might of said that wrong". YEAH. It's might have.

For as long as I can remember, I've always hated "hella" and "bro". I live five miles from California and I hear them all the time. "That's hella wicked bro". That's great.. now please.. stop. Internet slang bothers me too.. i.e. PWN and IRL (In real life, as opposed to fake life, apparently). The only thing worse than seeing those used online is somebody say them to your face. "I pwned you irl, srsly lol."


Well-known member
One thing that annoys me is when I've lost something, and a person asks me "Where was it last?" or better yet... "Where did you lose it at?" If I knew.. it would not be LOST.

And when people say "dur" instead of "there."

Bad grammar sucks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holls*
mo' bill, Al uh bam uh
born n raised =0)

That's my neck of the woods.
I like to pretend like I'm Rich Boy when I say Mobile, Alabama hahaha. He sounds like he has marbles in his mouth when he talks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You completely live in the wrong place if you hate hearing "fixin'"

Lol, and I'm stuck here for another four years too!!!


New member
I am a very young store owner (22) and there are a LOT of things people say to me that just make me want to punch a kitten.

For one, no there is not anyone here who is older that can handle your problem. I am the law here. If you don't want to answer to a 22-year-old who has EARNED her keep, don't shop here. Adios, cya, bye.

Two, no, there is no big strong man that can help you load your furniture. There is only me. Yes, I am a young woman, but that doesn't mean I'm made of porcelain. I've loaded dressers with greater brain capacity than you.

Three, no my boss is not going to fire me for playing on the internet all day. Guess what? I'm her, and I promise she doesn't mind.

I just get really sick of sexist and ageist remarks.

Also, I hate hate HATE when people pronounce President Bush as "President Boosh". Makes my teeth hurt and my ears ring. LOLZ

Wow, I rant a lot.


Well-known member
^That's nothing compared to this season for us.....

"Here are your New Orleans Saints!!"

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