Words or phrases people say that drive you insane?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
i hate when people say Gawd or hawt.... WTF

Well I used Gawd instead of God because I don't like using the lords' name in vain. As for hawt, don't used that I just say hot.


Well-known member
"Preggo" or "Preggers"...having a baby should not be confused with spaghetti sauce, just say pregnant. Also I hate when people spell it "pregnate."
"Hecka" so that they aren't "cussing" to say "Hella." Hella's back enough, dont make it worse.
People come into my store asking for "toilet water" fragrance, instead of eau de toilettes, it makes my stomach turn.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
People come into my store asking for "toilet water" fragrance, instead of eau de toilettes, it makes my stomach turn.

that's just too funny I'm in stitches right now


Well-known member
Ahhhhh..... I just thought of another one!

Please never use the word "anyways" IT IS NOT A WORD!
However, the word "anyway" is a word and is perfectly acceptable


Well-known member
+ Ax - If anyone wants to "ax" me something, I stop listening.
+ Expresso - God that gets on my nerves. Expresso sounds like a bus service, not a drink.
+ Supposebly instead of supposedly
+ Reckon'
+ Fixin'
+ Ain't
+ Y'all - But I think that those last 4 are because I am a NW girl, so I didn't grow up around them.
+ Yous guys - God, that makes me insane.
+ I also agree on the "You know what I mean" at the end of a sentence. It is OK to use occasionally, but other than that, it just sounds so insecure/p*ssy.
+ Misuse of than v. then
+ I spent way too much time around British English in my family and abroad and it has impregnated itself in my grammar and spelling. So I am always getting corrected on words that are proper....just not on this continent!

+ I worked with a woman who said something like "err" when she was saying what we would pronounces as "our". The first time she said it, I asked her what she was saying and she got all irritated with me. She said, "That's how I've always pronounced it." WTF? Ummm OK, it's wrong, but apparently you're happy with that! I used to write my fives backwards when I was a wee one learning my numbers, but I made through that, so good luck on the "err" thing!

+I know this a dangerous thing to say around here, but I hate the term "lippies" and "piggies" SORRY!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
+I know this a dangerous thing to say around here, but I hate the term "lippies" and "piggies" SORRY!

i hate that too haha. the one thing that drives me the most insane is adults using baby talk. i hate that.

and i HATE the word "cali," dammit. i abhor that. especially when people SAY it. if you type it, okay (that's still lazy) but i can kind of understand the abbreviation, but to SAY it?! is it really THAT much effort to say "fornia" at the end?!


Well-known member
"I could care less." If you COULD care less, you must care at least a little bit. If you COULDN'T care less, you don't care. A few months ago a guy said this at school. The conversation went like this:

Him: Well, I could care less.
Me: I couldn't. *keep in mind I was sitting behind him and I wasn't even part of this conversation, he was just talking to a friend*
Him: What?
Me: What?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by queenofdisaster
valenTIMES day.

freaking morons!

I have a friend who STILL calls it ValenTIMES at 23 years old. .. it drives me nuts!


Well-known member
I forgot about Daylight Savings Time. I hate that! It is daylight saving time. Daylight Savings sounds like a sale or a bank.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
"Hecka" so that they aren't "cussing" to say "Hella." Hella's back enough, dont make it worse.


And Hella is the best word ever ;(


Well-known member
You know what really grinds my gears? ( haha family guy)

I use to work at a pizza parlor so
My pet peeves are :





how hard is it to pronounce?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
"Preggo" or "Preggers"...having a baby should not be confused with spaghetti sauce, just say pregnant. Also I hate when people spell it "pregnate."
"Hecka" so that they aren't "cussing" to say "Hella." Hella's back enough, dont make it worse.
People come into my store asking for "toilet water" fragrance, instead of eau de toilettes, it makes my stomach turn.

haha OMG I had NEVER heard that word!
Until one of my friends asked me
"are u preggo?''
and I was like "wtf is preggo?"
then she told me, and I told her
"Yes, I am prengNANT" haha


Well-known member
Britni or Britany instead of Britney.

ITA on the piggies and lippies. Pigments and Lipsticks. UUUGH.

Namedroping. Of any kind.
"Ooh, have you heard that shanna and trev are back together?" - like you hang out with them every damn sunday.

When people refer to their Louis vuitton bags as "Louis" or "Louis v's"
"Is that you're new Louis?" (an example that features as well the monstrosity of Brand name abbreviations as the misuse of "your" and "you're") - prepare to get a dropkick in the face from me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharyn
Britni or Britany instead of Britney.

ITA on the piggies and lippies. Pigments and Lipsticks. UUUGH.

Namedroping. Of any kind.
"Ooh, have you heard that shanna and trev are back together?" - like you hang out with them every damn sunday.

When people refer to their Louis vuitton bags as "Louis" or "Louis v's"
"Is that you're new Louis?" (an example that features as well the monstrosity of Brand name abbreviations as the misuse of "your" and "you're") - prepare to get a dropkick in the face from me.

My cousin's name is Britni. We all joke that her mom got lazy lol


Well-known member
I have a friend who if she dislikes something says 'I hate this/that' Hate is a very strong word and sounds stupid if you use it for trivial things.
I have an american friend who says 'z' 'zee' It sounds wrong. She also says 'project' with an 'oh'..I also find it very strange that American people spell colour 'color' You don't pronounce it co-loor, so why spell it that way?


Well-known member
We say 'color' because to us, it is "col-Er", if we had the "u" in it it would be closer to "co-loUr" with the emphasis being on the u rather than on the second "o". At least that's how it is when I say it- but I also have a very stereotypical NY accent (ie: I tawk, say 'tree' instead of three, and say "er" on words that end in "a").

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