Words or phrases people say that drive you insane?


Well-known member
I used to work with someone & while telling a story this is what she said, "The bullet glazed his arm & they are going to have to flea bargin"..........hello??? WTF....this same person also called a cul-de-sac a COVA-SAC.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy
We say 'color' because to us, it is "col-Er", if we had the "u" in it it would be closer to "co-loUr" with the emphasis being on the u rather than on the second "o". At least that's how it is when I say it- but I also have a very stereotypical NY accent (ie: I tawk, say 'tree' instead of three, and say "er" on words that end in "a").

Oh right, thanks for clearing that up for me hehe


Well-known member
--"You better aks" or "ass somebody"---It's ask, three letters. Can you not spell it or are you dyslexic? And how did our conversation change from me needing to ask her something to me having something to do with her ass?
--"Seen" instead of saw - "I seen it happen"
--My husband, who is from New York, likes to say "draws" instead of "drawers". He asks me if there's any sock in the draws and I reply, "No. After folding the laundry, I put the socks in the drawERS."
--"Baffroom" instead of bathroom or any other time someone pronounces "FF" in place of "TH", like nuffin rather than nothing.
--"He/I AIN"T got nothin"---Really? Wow.
--When my husband says radiator by saying "rad" rather than "ray"
--People not knowing the difference between
"then" and "than"
"your" and "you're"
"its" and "it's"
"there", "they're", and "their", etc.
--Anything sounding remotely like the two links that were posted earlier ("Ghetto Delta" and "Royal")
--My mom says "deRsert" instead of desert, which is rather odd. She's from Samoa (formerly known as Western Samoa), and speaks English perfectly well, until she talks about the "dersert heat" in California. lol
My list can go on as well, but that's all I can think of for now...


Well-known member
I point out spelling and grammar mistakes all the time! Pretty much everything that has been posted upsets me.

In addition:

I cannot stand when people are too lazy to hit the backspace key when they're typing. I mean, a spelling mistake or mistyping a word happens to the best of us. But when your typing like this nnd you jsut cant seem to typ ethings or fix thm ... GRRRRRAH!!!

Also, it bothers me when people can't be bothered to use capitalization or punctuation (or use it improperly). It's only a small pet peeve and I certainly do not mean to insult anyone who types this way. This is how my friend types (and I mentally cringe):
im good i went to the movies with jeff, hes gonna hang out on the weekend your welcome to come so whats new with you, i heard guys went camping mustve been fun

I find this leads to a lot of misunderstandings when it comes to the tone intended.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
I also find it very strange that American people spell colour 'color' You don't pronounce it co-loor, so why spell it that way?

The U was dropped in colour/labour/etc during the first push towards American/simplified English, primarily spearheaded by Noah Webster. Waggon turned into wagon, traveller turned into traveler, so on and so on. They felt that English-English was too Latinised and wanted to pare it right back to the basics, as well as cutting out all the linguistic flourishes that were coming out of Oxford English (uses of silent u, silent b, sibilant s, accents, etc etc). Check out 'The Adventure of English' by Melvyn Bragg or 'Mother Tongue' by Bill Bryson, they go over the split between Queen's English and American English in detail without being academic or dry.

Originally Posted by Dizzy
We say 'color' because to us, it is "col-Er", if we had the "u" in it it would be closer to "co-loUr" with the emphasis being on the u rather than on the second "o".

...except that the U is silent in both American and English pronounciation.


Well-known member
'Addicting' instead of 'addictive'.

"This ice-cream is so good its addicting!"

I see this all the time and it always makes me cringe.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginger9
Well I used Gawd instead of God because I don't like using the lords' name in vain. As for hawt, don't used that I just say hot.

lol. how is saying god instead of gawd useing the lords name in vain, replaceing gods name with a slang like gawd is useing it in vain


Well-known member
My roommate for 2 years always ends her sentences with "If you know what I mean?", it drives me crazy because she says it just like "I really don't think you can understand, but anyway"

And I also hate when people here say "Oh yes, France is a very romantic country". No, it's NOT. I've heard it at least 10 times a day since I arrived here (sometimes with pathetic clichés about Frenchmen and flowers... whatever).


Well-known member
I hate when people say Antenna (like the tv antenna) "Ain-tan-uh" Oh my goodness. It would be acceptable from someone from the deep south who spoke in that southern drawl. Not from people who have lived in Jersey all of their lives. Thats the only word they speak that sounds southern, and it sounds so DUMB when they say it. And they think that its pronounced like that.

My boyfriend (who says ain-tan-uh) also says "zink" instead of "sink". "I was cleaning the zink earlier, and..." I'M GOING TO STAB YOU IN YOUR EYEBALL IF YOU DON'T PRONOUNCE THE S. There's no z in sink. There isn't. Why does he say that????

lol my boyfriend has also called Sephora "Sephoria". And for some reason the other day he called my Flonase (the allergy medicine), he called it my Nozzle Aids. And one day he was joking around referring to my "vaginal region" as my "craginal regions" lol. Its not something he says all the time, but it was funny when he said it. He just can't get his words right.


Well-known member
My grandma says coo-pon instead of Coupon. And few-ton instead of futon.

I hate Jersey slang sometimes. "Yous guys" or "where are yous going today?" I just hate it. Also it seems like everyone in Jersey has to say the person's first and last name. For example, "so yesterday I was hangin out with robbie smith and jessica" "Jessica martin?" "No! Jessica hullman" (I just made up all of those names
Its like, why must you say the person's entire name, you must know a lot of people if you have to do that. Its very..Laguna Beach. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SingFrAbsoltion
I hate the word Interweb for some reason. Internet sounds so much better.

Who says Interweb? That is too funny!!


Well-known member
I'm sick to death of...like..the word like, 'cause its so...like... overused, y'know. This whole pattern of speech drives me up a tree.

I also hate it when people say "the thing is is that..." I heard Shrub say it in the recent Iran speech. Aaargh. Doesn't help that I can't stand the fool.

A print pet peeve of mine is apostrophes used incorrectly. I've even seen it in professionally printed signs and it's ridiculously infuriating. Example: "The toy's are going to be put away".


Well-known member
This really gets to me for some reason, but when people use 'web-speak' like BTW, LOL, LMAO, IMO, BRB, etc. I just hate that so much! Is it so hard to take two more seconds to say the actual WORDS!!!

And when people make up words or use words that aren't real, like conversate, it really riles me. Maybe it is because I have spent way too much time being an editor for my paper in highschool, but ever since I started, little things like that get to me.

Oh, yeah. When people say "like" every other word.....there is intense feelings of anger in me.

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