Oral/Anal sex


Well-known member
Actually, as weird as it is, I feel really awkward receiving pleasure. I'm definitely trying to take a more "All About Him" stance on it because trust me, nothing could get me off (a previous hookup tried for 3 hours and with no avail...). Plus seeing them happy makes me happy.

Call me backwards or wrong...but this is just how I am.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I think once you let down your guard and are more willing to try new things and learn about your own body on your own time, then I think you might change your mind. I think it would be much more enjoyable for the man you're with if he knows that you're just as into it as he is and that he's able to make you feel good.


Well-known member
I don't consider myself to be too young though is the thing, and up until recently, I was VERY sexually conservative (no sex until marriage, focus on others before yourself). Of course, the first part changed, as I've never even gotten close to having a boyfriend (hell, I have been called undateable by one of the guys I hooked up with (not sex), in addition to many others). But I disagree. I know there are a lot of men out there who would love a girl like me, who is all about pleasing them. They can just sit back and enjoy themselves.


Well-known member
Shrugs and shakes head .....

This thread brought back lots of memories from the ladies at the last place I worked .....

- For some reason I love to give oral The problem is that my mouth is small and my DH is 6'2 and shall we say endowed .... We always start out with at least a little oral ....

-For the ladies that don't like the taste... If you wrap your hands around it while you're doing your thing and ask him to let you know when he's about to blow slid your mouth & hands back creating a "tunnel" of sorts while keeping the warmth from your mouth still around him this allow him to go in your hands but still giving him a good sensation

-For those of us that GAG .... There are several products from companies like pure romance that relax those muscles ... The particular one I'm speaking of is called great head and coast around $15


- Something to remember , while you can't get pregnant from the act of anal , if he's not wearing a condom and he pulls out if any seamen drips and makes contact with your vaginal mucus' it is possible .... Sue Johanson was talking about this tonight ...

- A lot of damage can be done to you this way , One of the ladies I work with had to have surgery to repair damage done , every-time i see certain work out equipment I get visuals of her bent over a table with her rump up in the air
..... SO be careful


Well-known member
oral sex...love giving it, i can actually orgasm by it when im hookin sweetie up
and i love receiving it. guess cuz when hes down there he turns me into a geyser lolol

anal, i like it and the orgasms it gives..its just that initial breakthrough that kills me lol..i use Wet Platinum lube and it stays nice n slippery for a lonnnnng time

oh yeah....swallower here lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsButterfli
oral sex...love giving it, i can actually orgasm by it when im hookin sweetie up
and i love receiving it. guess cuz when hes down there he turns me into a geyser lolol

anal, i like it and the orgasms it gives..its just that initial breakthrough that kills me lol..i use Wet Platinum lube and it stays nice n slippery for a lonnnnng time

oh yeah....swallower here lol

anal orgasms are sooooooo intense. Its like....mountain moving, am I lying? lol its the kind where you kind of blackout and speak nonsense because you dont even know what just happened


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
anal orgasms are sooooooo intense. Its like....mountain moving, am I lying? lol its the kind where you kind of blackout and speak nonsense because you dont even know what just happened

girrrrrrrrrl have me turning around lookin back at my man like "who are you??" lolol i swear after good orgasms you get temporarily dumb lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KikiB
I don't consider myself to be too young though is the thing, and up until recently, I was VERY sexually conservative (no sex until marriage, focus on others before yourself). Of course, the first part changed, as I've never even gotten close to having a boyfriend (hell, I have been called undateable by one of the guys I hooked up with (not sex), in addition to many others). But I disagree. I know there are a lot of men out there who would love a girl like me, who is all about pleasing them. They can just sit back and enjoy themselves.

No disrespect intended, but those men generally wind up being the ones who pick your clothes, control your life, and take you away from your family.

I promise you on everything I stand here knowing today right now...between 20 years of age and 29 years of age, you're going to become a different person. Particularly as you experience more and more about life...you're going to grow, find your skin, change it to what you want it to be, and then figure out that the way your skin fits is comfortable anyway.
By no stretch of the imagination am I saying you're going to become some kind of hoochie momma or anything like that, but your perspective will change. You'll grow into your sexuality, you'll learn to love sex for yourself and devil be damned about him.

You'll learn that yeah, men do want women who please them, but they don't respect women who are afraid to please themselves. You'll learn that when you start dating a man, he's going to want a woman who can hold her own with him, whether it's in bed or in the kitchen in a knock down drag out argument.

Again, no disrespect intended. These are just things I've come to know to be true.


Well-known member
Whew, i love receiving oral from my hubby any day!!! anal would cause some serious problems becuz he is to large so i dare not try that for fear of having to wear a butt plug for the rest of my life.lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeba
i dare not try that for fear of having to wear a butt plug for the rest of my life.lol

lol omg i almost spit my juice out from laughin at that lolol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsButterfli
girrrrrrrrrl have me turning around lookin back at my man like "who are you??" lolol i swear after good orgasms you get temporarily dumb lol

LoL I do the saaaame thing heehee

Originally Posted by makeba
Whew, i love receiving oral from my hubby any day!!! anal would cause some serious problems becuz he is to large so i dare not try that for fear of having to wear a butt plug for the rest of my life.lol

lmaooo a butt plug. To be honest...okay this is going to sound gross. but everytime I've ever had anal I wasn't a loosey goosy, i was actually pretty constipated.

grosssss, im sorry I just said that guys lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Aprilrobin
What are those?

Seriously, do whatever you want -- just no ass-to-mouth. not medically sound.

Hmm I have received that too....wasn't bad at all lol. aside from maybe not being the most...hygienic (sp) thing...but then again what is during sex anymore.


Active member
Love recieving and giving oral. Anal...not going to try it anytime soon, despite all the raving reviews. Just not me and my bfs thing. Well stick to trying new things with vag sex.

And the butt plug comment made me lol


Well-known member
Now I am a virgin and I have blushed and my jaw has dropped by reading this thread and even though I am scared to death/extremely excited of my wedding night I am still open to anything. I figure as much as I want to please my man he sure as heck better please me! I am a christian girl and all but the Bible plainly says "the bed is undefiled" there's no reason to shy away from things that are suppose to be so natural its really between you and your partner! Thanks for all the great tidbits of advice girls!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
This is a great thread! I see some freakaleeks LOL. And Shimmer is spewing the wisdom as always.

As for the topic:

My husband and I are so comfortable with each other, it's unreal. That being said, we've done A LOT of things sexually. I love to receive oral but I don't orgasm from it. What gets me off like a rocket is fingering and nipple stimulation. I really dislike giving him oral pleasure unless I'm inebriated LOL I don't know why. I still do it sober sometimes because he likes it so much. He's a great man so I like to see him pleased.

He and I have tried anal a few times and the first time it was fun and it didn't hurt much, just some bowl issues the next day. The second time I couldn't do it because it hurt too bad
I think someone mentioned having that same experience earlier in the thread, must be a reason for it.

I'm a very sexual person and I'm not afraid or ashamed of that, so the way I figure it, I only live one freaking time, so I'm going to do all the nasty, freaky, and absurd things I can do while I'm still able.

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